TimeTop Platinum Security

TimeTOP Platinum is a secure, password protected attendance management system that allows you to manage time spent by Manager on nonproductive administrative task thereby improving your accuracy effeciency and productivity.


TimeTop Platinum Security Software

TimeTOP Platinum is a secure, password protected attendance management system that allows you to manage time spent by Manager on nonproductive administrative task thereby improving your accuracy effeciency and productivity.

No matter what method of timesheets or Data Collection Device or time clock you choose, TimeTOP for timekeeping makes it easy to collect employee time information. Data Collection Devices for time keeping will either deliver the data immediately or store the time punch information for transmittal to TimeTOP at a more convenient time. Name it as Time attendance management system, time attendance management program, time sheets, time keeping; TimeTOP time attendance software has it all. By using automation and letting the computer do the work for you saves valuable time of the employee management personnel. TimeTOP time attendance management program can collect the time information during the night too by scheduling, and it’ll be ready for you as a timesheet in the morning when you arrive. TimeTOP time and attendance tracking and management is designed and automated therefore one can just set it up once and let it run on it’s own from there.

Evaluating your employees time information before printing it, has always been a beneficial excercise. It allows one to identify missed punches or erroneous entries which needs to be rectified. We have built a comprehensive editing tool within the time attendance management system that allows to make any adjustments or corrections one wish, and will automatically alert you to any problem areas. These corrections are also logged so that a supervisor cannot use this attendance program for undue favours or malpractises. In addition, the screen instantly displays the work period totals for any employee selected and the details of the employee. Totals include total work hours, total overtime availed etc.

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Energy & Utilities, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Public Sector, Retail


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Drop down menus, time calculator, and automated reporting save time and greatly increase reporting accuracy
PLATINUM Time Attendance Software
• Daily Report
• Date Range Report
• Leave Type Setup
• Client Server Architecture
• Multiple Company and Department Support
• Access and SQL Database support
• Fingerprint / Hand Templates Management
• Unlimited Employee Database
• Integrated communication Modules

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