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Be the first to review “FARGO HDP8500”
- Print Method: HDP dye-sublimation / resin thermal transfer
- Print Platform: Standard, dual-sided printing
- Resolution: 300 dpi (11.8 dots/mm)
- Colors: Up to 16.7 million/256 shades per pixel
- Print Speed (batch mode): Up to 1200 cards per shift/24 seconds per card (YMC with transfer)
- Accepted Card Sizes: CR-80
- Dual Input Card Hoppers: (2) 200-card hoppers; Total capacity 400 cards
- Output Hopper Card Capacity: (1) 200-card hopper
- Field-upgradeable Options:
- Laser Engraving
- Card Lamination Module – dual-sided (simultaneous)
- Magnetic stripe encoding
- Smart card encoding (contact/contactless)
- Custom secure holographic HDP Film and overlaminate
- Secure proprietary consumables system
- Andon production status light
- iCLASS® programming platform kit
- ISO Card Flattener
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